No Weigh…

No weigh in today, I just didn’t want to see that number go up from last week. Yesterday was a disaster, and old habits hit me right between the eyes. I wish I were able to write that I had better coping skills but making the choice not to face it was my best for today. So, I checked into my workshop, sat down and took lots and lots of notes.

I listened to members share their strategies, and lend each other support. I’ve decided to adopt a beginner’s mind and treat the plan as though I were “brand new” I used my weigh in book to reflect on my week, write a weekly goal, and a daily goal for today: to organize my kitchen and clean out my refrigerator. One other thing I want to add aside from taking a fresh approach to WW is to be self-aware of my internal hunger cues. I really want to work on eating when I’m hungry.

I can’t deny it, I’m disappointed in myself; although, I don’t really know what my expectations ought to be. If I’m doing my best, does it automatically mean that I’m going to be successful? Not always. If I’m not doing my best, why aren’t I? One thing I do know is that I think about my weight loss journey every day. On days when it’s not going so well that one statistic (only 17% of people maintain weight loss) tends to loom bigger in my thoughts. Why would I do that to myself? Fear, I guess. I guess I’m afraid of sliding backwards and just being another statistic.

I’m not a statistic though, I am imperfect, persistent, and hopeful. I hope I can keep this up, and I’m working at it. I write tonight with a grateful heart, thank you for reading.

A Better Day…

Things are clicking and it’s a much better day. That is the way it goes, for me, with weight loss. There are good days, better days, worst days, bad days. The common thread? Don’t give up. I will never give up I plan to keep at this. I will:

  • Celebrate my good choices
  • Be helpful to others who share the journey
  • Reflect on my poor choices
  • Monitor my external and internal hunger cues
  • Look for ways to stay engaged
  • Reach out when I need help
  • Not take my good habits for granted

There is a lot of effort that goes into this but it’s worth it – aways. Even (maybe especially) when weight loss is very difficult. Yesterday was crumby but today is better.

What Did I Say About Do Overs?

Yesterday was a good day on plan until I decided to eat some popcorn mixed with some more of those chocolate chips. Without going into too many details, the chocolate chips are now in the garbage, and so is the tin of popcorn. Obviously these foods are too difficult for me to have in the house. If I want to get to goal, these have to go. I will start over AGAIN and embrace this process. A process goes around and has ups and downs but I get to control what I do within it, and I just got rid of foods that don’t help me.

One Quarter Cup of Kindness…

I was proud of myself for not eating candy at professional development, tonight. I said it aloud a couple of times, “I’m not eating any candy.” I left for home (two hours after the end of my school day). I ate my apple on my drive home, and when I arrived had dinner in the crock pot all ready to go. These were all the good choices I made.

Well… I just ate a little more than 1/4 cup of chocolate chips. How bad can it be? Pretty bad… 16 SmartPoints. The taste of chocolate still lingers, and I know this decision will have an impact on my weight loss this week. Maybe I should have eaten a piece of candy before, but I really didn’t want to, I want to reach my goal. Now I feel a little too full, and a bit disappointed. This blog is my place for reflection and truth so there it is for all of you to read.

The good news is, I don’t have to be perfect to be successful on my weight loss journey. Perfection is for sleeping babies, rolling landscapes, and a nice hot cup of coffee. My weight loss journey is about reflection, practice and personal growth. So after I hit “Publish” I will head into the kitchen pour myself a nice big glass of water and initiate a “do over!” I will forgive myself for a poor choice, one that takes me farther from my goal. Then after that, I will just add the decision to forgive and move on over to another good choice for today.

Just a Human…

Some things I did well today:

  • Tracking – everything went into the tracker
  • Planning – meals were planned out ahead of time
  • Variety – cod for dinner
  • Mindfulness – taking time to reflect frequently throughout the day

Some things I could have done better:

  • Snacking – popcorn was a high point choice to eat before dinner
  • Portions – some foods were guesses and were probably not accurate

That’s me a human living life on plan the best I can. Now I’m going off to bed so I can make spin class in the morning. I have an extra long day at work tomorrow.

Trial and Error…

When I walked out of Dunkin’ with coffee in hand and it felt like spring was on the way, which is very weird since it’s January. I took advantage of the nice weather, and took my sweet pup Sadie for a walk. Taking her for a walk, also kept my goal of doing some activity outside, two more days to go to complete that one. Since I’m writing about goals, another one I hit was to go food shopping and to prep food for the week. I am using kind words and reflecting on my progress.

As I reflect on the day, I have to confess that I did exceed my SmartPoints budget (thank you garlic bread for 8 SmartPoints). WW gives me those extra points so that I can indulge and I can rollover points to help myself recover. I packed my lunch for tomorrow and planned out plan friendly meals to keep my progress on track. I hope to have another loss on the scale this week. Either way, everything I’m doing for myself is something to be happy about. I’m taking care of myself.

I got this magazine and I am really enjoying it:

Here is a powerful quote from an emotional eater, who has maintained her weight loss for over three years:

“It takes a lot trial and error to figure out what works,” she says. “Not every day is going to be perfect, but I’m here because I pushed through the bad days.”


I related to her words. As I look back at my blog it documents my day-to-day journey and there were lots of “imperfect” days. Pushing through the bad days is the way to not give up. I understand this in a very profound way because this has been my experience too.

Got a Good Thing Going…

Many people are experiencing success on their weight loss journey and I am one of them, I lost 4 pounds this week! Many members of my WW community are losing weight and feeling so energized. One positive affirmation I walked away with came from Maria, who lost 6.9 pounds this week:

When it’s going good your spirits feel higher.


She said that so well because this is what I’ve found to be true also. When everything starts to click there is this sense of wellbeing that takes over. There is a shift in the energy you feel about eating healthy, getting activity, and having a growth mindset.

Between going to my WW workshop, finding out I lost weight, and having a low SmartPoint breakfast when I got home, I am starting the weekend off on a high. I want to keep that going, so here is my plan to setup myself up for success again this week…


  • Plan a menu of options for the week
  • Prep vegetables, fruits, and snacks ahead of time
  • Weigh, measure, and track


  • Outdoor activity three times this week
  • Classes at the gym three times this week
  • Record all my activity using my tracker


  • Use kind self talk every day
  • Reread blog posts for positive stories click here for one
  • Reflect every day through blogging
Crazy it’s 55 degrees in January in NY state!

It’s Going Good…

I am grateful it is Friday, and I am looking forward to meeting with my WW friends tomorrow. I had a great week. Here is what went well:

  • I tracked every day, everything
  • I weighed and measured my portions
  • I was sensitive to internal/external hunger cues
  • I tried a new recipe for salmon it was delish!
  • I went to spin this week (I wanted to go more, but it didn’t work out)
  • I tried homeopathic remedy from India (it was great and it worked)
  • I’m rolling over 33 SmartPoints (really truly)

I did a lot to help myself this week and that makes me happy. It’s so hard sometimes to carve out a little time for myself these days. So even just this slim list is something to celebrate. All of this I did to help me be healthier and happier. Of course I am hoping for good results on the scale, but even if I don’t get that tomorrow, I know it’s going good.

Kindness Turned Inward…

Another good day on plan. I am rolling over four SmartPoints. This morning I tried that hot water cinnamon/lemon/honey mixture I wrote about yesterday. I liked it a lot and I think I’ll do it again tomorrow. The honey is 4 SmartPoints so that’s a little steep but it I wasn’t hungry for a long time today. I don’t know if is in my head or if it really does work but since it worked I guess that’s all that really matters.

January 6, 2020 Challenge

Here is a list of what I think I do well:

  • Being a wife and mother
  • Being a friend
  • Being a learner
  • Being a teacher
  • Being a writer
  • Spin class
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Puzzles

As I look at my list I think about what it says about me. I am fortunate to have people to love and who love me back. I curious about the world around me and I want to keep learning so I continue to grow. In a stressful world I think it’s good for all of us to recognize the good stuff that’s within us – try it write your own list. Celebrate what you do well, it’s not bragging it is kindness turned inward.

Got My Groove Back…

Yes, it is only day two of my comeback, but I do feel as though I’ve got my groove back. I went food shopping and bought the foods I need to set myself up for success. Boy, the stores were crowded, I think everyone had the same plan as me – food shop, and set it all up. Well, I wish I had gotten more done, but it was enough. I just have to pace myself for the week ahead. Here is my plan:

  1. Pack healthy variety of foods I enjoy eating.
  2. Prep and plan ahead for dinner.
  3. Get enough sleep every night.
  4. Go to the gym, get activity (I’m hoping for Tuesday at 5:15 am spin)
  5. Treat myself well

I saw this special on the news this morning. If you mix lemon, honey, and cinnamon you will reap excellent health benefits! This is an Indian cure-all and they say that if you drink this, lemon, honey, and cinnamon , in hot water on an empty stomach, you will feel great. I don’t know if it’s true but it’s worth a shot. Novelty goes a long way with me.

Back to work tomorrow. I will keep you posted. I hope you had a great day.