The Want…

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to get through that moment of, “I want..” It doesn’t matter what the “want” is, not really, the real problem is the feeling that comes with it. When the “want” comes on, it feels feels bigger and stronger than me. This happened to me tonight, I had that frustrating pull of “I want some candy.” I have candy in the house, and I kept thinking about it. I was able to keep it together until the moment passed.

Now that I am released from my desire to eat candy, really that sounds crazy, what is next? How do I learn from this experience? I think now that I fully lived in the moment of “want”, that I named it and let myself acknowledge its power – I can recognize it when it comes around again. This will happen again, and if I expect it maybe it will be easier next time. Maybe this is the thing I have to learn to get over my hump and make it back to goal.

So if you’re reading this post, and anything rings true with your own experiences, you know you are not alone. If you are feeling challenged, or if you are really struggling, it’s not your fault. This is hard, but your “why” is strong enough, you can do it.