Tuned In…

Saturday is my day to get in touch with my WW community. I know I will learn new information, and benefit from listening to others as they share their experiences. The insights I gain help me throughout my week, and remind me that I am not alone. Sometimes, I leave with an idea that I want to write about, right away. Here are some quotes from my meeting:

  • “Journey deviations make me lose my mind.”
  • “Sometimes I’ll ask myself, do I really need this? And, I will say no, but then I eat it anyway.”
  • “When I go to someone’s house, I’ll bring desserts that I don’t enjoy.”
  • “I realized I had to stop drinking wine because it was effecting my weight loss. It’s not just the wine, it’s the cheese that came with it.”
  • “While I was losing the weight, I had to come to understand that I was afraid of succeeding. What happens after goal?”

In a world full of hype, “messaging”, and image it is just such a relief to be in a room full of people who are generous, honest, present, reflective, and kind. Weight loss is hard enough, and I need backup if I’m going to live in that 17% of people who maintain their weight loss. To put that number into some perspective, 17% of the world’s population is from India. When I think about how big India is I think sure I can do this. However, I can’t say this enough, I am so grateful to part of my Saturday Morning WW community. You make me more than I’d be by myself.

Day 4 Sugar-free Challenge. It is a little early to put in down as a given, but I feel confident that I can do it. I’m already feeling stronger and better. This is helping me a lot.

Being Strategic!

Here are some tips that members shared today that will help you stay on plan as we head a little deeper into this holiday season.

  1. Plan your plate with lean protein and zero SmartPoint foods in a balanced proportionate way.
  2. Plan out zero SmartPoint foods throughout the day as part of snacks or meals.
  3. Even though we don’t have to, it is a good idea to weigh and measure zero SmartPoint foods so that we get an idea of serving sizes.

Click on the documents for zero SmartPoint food options.