
Statistically speaking only 17% of people maintain weight loss after a year.

That is a staggering number. But I’ll tell you what readers, stories beat numbers every time. What’s your story? What do you believe when it comes to weight loss? The great news, we get to decide what we do with our lives, and if living your life in the body of your own design is something you want then it’s worth the fight.

Somedays, living on plan is going to be colored with struggle, like angry jagged red marks on a white piece of paper, Those days will come for all of us no matter what. In a way doesn’t naming that ahead of time help? If I know it’s coming, I wont be surprised when it arrives. So what do I do when struggle comes to call? As I would do with any unwelcome guest, I will show it to the door. Here are some things I can do to help myself:

  1. I can think it through using precise language. I can identify the source: I am hungry and that is creating this struggle right now. I am overtired and that is creating this struggle right now. Naming leads to knowing – that is always good.
  2. I can exercise control by provoking a physical response to struggle. I can stretch, breathe deeply, wash my face, get a drink of water. Actions matter so change the focus.
  3. I can accept that willpower has limits and requires training. Willpower is a muscle, so when it is overused and tired I will be weaker. In those moments I can use a kindness to way soothe negative self talk. Self-perception is king, so keep it kind.

Nothing is more powerful (even statistics) than personal belief. Are you going to hand over your power to a statistic? Or, are you going to invest your power within yourself? So join me by thumbing your nose at that 17% and prove em’ wrong. We got this.

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