Open to Change…

I am thinking a lot about how far I’ve come and my recent backslide into old habits. I wish I could write and explain why this happens. One thing is for sure, I’m not alone. So many people who attend my Weight Watchers meetings struggle with the old habits that necessitated the journey to begin with.

My notes from today’s WW meeting

However I am sure of it – I’m in recovery mode. Today was a strong day on plan, and I wasn’t hungry all day. I am grocery shopping tomorrow, and I’m going to buy lots of healthy options for the week. I also plan on doing some food prep and menu planning for the week. I am positive that I will go down on the scale next week and that is a fantastic way to feel. Even if something goes completely wonky and I don’t go down – I will be just fine because I know I am truly (finally) back on track.

My checklist really helps me to keep the habits that have made me successful in the past present in my mind. If you want to try it, click here or you can find it on my Tips & Tools page. I know myself I need to create a supportive environment if I’m going to do this.

Getting to know yourself is part of the journey. One interesting thing that was shared during my meeting today was this website VIA Institute on Character. There is the questionnaire that you fill out and your answers list your virtues. I did it, and this is what it said:

The work now is to figure out how to leverage my strengths for successful weight loss. I’d say my top ten are pretty spot on. I’m going to be thinking about this for a while.

My #1 strength – I can use it to learn about ways to grow healthy habits. I can learn about cooking, mediation, resistance training – anything.