What Superhero’s Know…

I woke up this morning and thought, “If I were a superhero, what would my powers be? “

  1. Bounce Back: I am resilient, no matter what life sends me I keep at it and figure out ways to recover after setbacks.
  2. Mindset Maneuvers: I am self aware of the importance of mindset and am able to make critical adjustments when needed.
  3. Insight Initiator: I value the wisdom of others, and I want to give back wisdom whenever I can. I’m stronger with my community.
  4. Longevity Learning: I value continued education (in all aspects of life) and I experience real joy when I’m learning something new and I apply my learning to my life.
  5. Opportunity Opener: I actively look for opportunities in life. I find examples of beauty in the everyday. If I think of things I am always able to feel a sense of gratitude for the things I already have.
Believe it…

Blogging is a funny thing. It captures the writer’s voice over time, it’s a glimpse into the writer’s day-to-day life. I received a notification that a reader “liked” this post: Day Three Hundred-Fifty. I wrote this post almost exactly a year ago. As I read my own words back to myself, it was though I was reliving past motivation.

It’s no secret I’ve been traveling a rocky road in terms of weight loss and maintenance for a while. Now more than ever, I feel as though I’m at a crossroad in my journey. I feel as if, now is the critical moment, the choices I made now will set a course for my mission’s success or failure. That is certainly the way it works in the movies, but… real life isn’t a movie and my choices are not that simple. It’s not one choice I have to make but a myriad of choices everyday, over time that make the difference when it comes to weight loss. Despite this daunting truth, I have decided that I am going to be my own real life superhero.

I am going to believe that I am stronger than I think I am right now and I’m going to keep going. I will crush it one choice at a time. Join me, suit up and tap into your inner strengths. We can do this.