Back On Plan…

Ok, so I did not make my goal for being on plan and still enjoying vacation. I ate whatever I wanted, and I did not track any of it. I even let vacation behaviors drift into my routines once I got home. Now I’m done with that. How do I know? I was active, tracked my food, and am writing this post. I’m going to weigh in tomorrow because as I’ve written in the past, it’s an important part of my process.

Vacation was a lot of fun. I really needed to get away, and I’m grateful that we were able to make that happen this year. It’s not always true for us, and that is a sad truth. This blog is dedicated to health and wellness, and it’s really it’s so important to get leisure time with family and friends. Yet for many of us, it’s so hard to make this happen. Being outdoors impacts everything from lowering stress, to strengthening the immune system. Check this out:

– boosts the immune system
– lowers blood pressure
– reduces stress
– improves mood
– increases focus,
– accelerates recovery from surgery or illness
– increases energy level
– improves sleep

Read More:

I had some momentum before going away, and now I know I’ve gained this past week. I do feel strong and ready to get back on track. I know I need a plan to make my resolve take root. Here is my plan:

  1. Track all my food, weigh and measure my portion sizes.
  2. Eat mindfully and be present when making decisions about food.
  3. Get activity each day.
  4. Don’t hang out in close proximity to the kitchen.
  5. Name my feelings as I feel them.
  6. Go to workshops, participate, and get weighed.
  7. Stay hydrated.
  8. Look for beauty every day and try to capture it.
  9. Welcome and look for opportunities to be creative each day.
  10. Embrace bedtime routines/get at least six to seven hours of sleep.

This is my plan, if it helps you too that makes me very happy. I am back and ready to commit myself to my health and wellbeing. Sure, I could decide to feel badly that I have (without a doubt) gained weight this week. But I don’t. I am living my life, and that is not something to feel badly about. There is always room for improvement, and that is what the list is all about. Growing, learning, and loving myself.

I can do this, how about you? I hope you believe in yourself, and if you don’t I hope you talk to someone who does. Believing in yourself is a huge part of weight loss success. Think on that and make a plan. Share it with someone you care about. More tomorrow.