Day Two Hundred-Two…

I wish I could just get over my reluctance about the scale. I want to be able to say it doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow. Will I ever evolve past the unhelpful thoughts,? Thoughts like  If I don’t lose weight this week, it wasn’t a good week.  I know in my rational mind that this thought is ridiculous. I had an amazing week, I stayed within my points, I ate foods I really enjoy, I had lots of activity, and I feel so good on the inside, and people are saying that they can see the results on the outside.

If it seems as if one part of my brain is at war with the other that’s because it is…

Chip and Dan Heath wrote the book, Switch How to Change Things When Change is Hard If you’ve never read this book I recommend it because it’s both entertaining and informative.  Rationally (the rider) I know that regardless of the number on the scale my efforts are all firing and that I’m well on my way to goal. However, emotionally (elephant) my mind is like a huge wild beast scarfing down peanuts, balking, snorting and trumpeting demands that the scale continues to move downward! Watch out,  because if it doesn’t I’m surely in for a stampede! Know what I’m talking about?

It helps to give myself some context for my thoughts and feelings as I continue on the journey.  I do like to make fun of myself and poke some fun too because the journey is a long one and there have to be some laughs along the way.  It helps to know that you are reading these posts and that perhaps you understand my struggles.  More tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Day Two Hundred-Two…

  1. I love how you post quotes from all kinds of people!
    Yes I know that weekly rage/ fear over the scale. Try not the kick yourself too much. Sometimes the scale is not kind and you worked really hard! There could be so many physical reasons why. … You are bloated; not drinking enough water, wasn’t feeling well this week; stressed at work; stressed at home; or no apparent reason why!…just keep telling yourself…”just keep swimming” like Dori says from Finding Nemo. Like Fran says it’s not a Slide it’s a Slip.

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