Day Two Hundred Sixty…

I’m trying to get myself motivated to start some projects that I’ve been putting off. It’s very hard to begin something when there is not any joy in the task. This is the part when people tend to say, “Just do it.” or “Time to put on your big girl (hoping for the smaller girl) pants…”  To all of that, I say,  “Easier said than done.”  That is why I think it’s so important to find ways to find joy along the way of this journey. A mundane task has a beginning, a middle, and an end – whereas this journey is really for the rest of my life.

Getting started is hard but it’s worth it, I really promise it’s worth doing. I am stronger, I have more energy, and I feel as though I’m in touch with my inner power. Even though I’m not at goal yet, I am much happier and so much more confident. Goal is coming one day soon and that’s why it is very important to me that I keep finding ways to engage this process. In the past, I have come very close only to either give up or have gotten distracted and quit. This time has to be different.

I’m going to move from a 5 to 6 in the area of Mindfulness! My goal is to: begin to have a greater sense of gratitude for 5 things I take for granted this week.

Well, the first thing I learned blew me away! I never realized that the name of the bike I ride three times a week is called a Star Trac bike. That is hilarious to me since I love Star Trek so much!

That’s not the only thing I learned… I learned that the bike I’m riding may have been manufactured in India. For the most part, it’s extremely well engineered.  It came out in 2005, It’s not a great idea to buy one used from fitness centers (not that I was planning to). If I look at my bike and I see a grove is worn into the frame of the body there was an issue with the undercarriage. I’m pretty sure I ride the first generation model (although I’ll have to look on Tuesday to be certain) because I believe it reads “Spinner” not “Spinning” I assumed that engineering this bike was sophisticated but now I have a deeper appreciation for it.

You may be wondering, how will Mindfulness help? Especially when this form of Mindfulness doesn’t have a connection to food. My answer is, I’m not sure. However, I can say it feels good to be curious and appreciative of things that are part of my everyday life.  I’m still learning so I’ll share as I go!

My wish for you is that you have positive experiences on your journey.  If you want to share your stories I’m in! I would love to know how it’s going for you. As always, thank you for reading.

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