Day Two Hundred Sixty-Eight…

Memorial Day is a marker of freedom. Putting that freedom in context is has changed over the years. When I was a kid, Memorial Day represented the launch to summer and all that goes with it. Carefree days spent riding bikes, going to the beach, barbeques and family vacations. Freedom meant time away from the classroom and life was sweet.


Now that I am older the weight of Memorial Day means so much more than it once did. I am humbled to remember our veterans who would never return home. I, like so many others, attended our local Memorial Day parade, and I was struck by the gravity of the words spoken during the ceremony. It all seemed so much more poignant and special. We are forever in their debt.

It was a good day on plan. I went to spin class, I shared breakfast with my husband after the parade. I did some work, and I went for a bike ride. Yes, I still do enjoy a good bike ride around the neighborhood! I am looking forward to the summer and all that it will bring. I’m happy to say that I am feeling full of energy and am comfortable in my own skin and that is a new sensation for the start of the summer season. One I have not felt in a long time. I am grateful for this journey, and for all of you who read my posts.

I ran into my neighbor when my husband and I took our dog for a walk. She commented on my weight loss and asked how I did it. I told the same story that I tell everyone, Weight Watchers and I go to spin and yoga classes. She is considering joining and I hope she does. My Saturday morning group is an amazing support system and I am very blessed to be part of the group.

There is a lot of power to maintaining a beginner’s mind when it comes to weight loss. When you begin something you pay attention and you make very intentional choices. As time goes on, it’s easy to become lax and lose ground. So, keeping the journey engaging is very important. I have been thinking about ways to challenge myself and to set some new goals. Here are some ideas I am considering:

  1. Set a  regular schedule to attend yoga classes (2x per week)
  2. Cook at least one new Weight Watcher  recipe a week
  3. Cut out having dessert for one week (no cookies, ice cream, or pudding)

Well, it’s a short list but I’m still thinking about ideas. If you have any please feel free to share!

My last words today are to stress how words can convey such beauty. Beauty is not always pleasant. It can be sad and haunting too.  If you’ve never read Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, or if it’s been a long time since you have, do yourself a favor and read it.  More tomorrow…

Beauty The Gettysburg Address