
Any time I do something that helps me to get closer to my goal I feel more accomplished. The journey to weight loss is not easy, but figuring out how to make it work is a gift unto itself. Every day there are food temptations, there is all this other”stuff” that gets in the way of working out. Often times I don’t only want one glass of wine I’d like two… know what I mean?

So, on days like today, I have to celebrate that all that I’ve done to get closer to my latest goal – getting back to my free seat. The only way to move down the scale and closer to my goal weight is to maintain my resolve and stick to my plan. Here is what I did to help myself today:

  1. I went to 8:30 am spin class and it was a lot of fun. I felt good about it all day.
  2. I stayed within my points range and I’m on track for rolling over 2 SmartPoints.
  3. I bought the latest WW magazine that offers up some really nice recipes that look for delicious and fairly simple to make.
  4. I cut up vegetables and bagged them so they are easy to grab and go.
  5. I packed my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow.

Here is what I plan to do to help myself for the rest of the day:

  1. Do my deluxe night time routine (as I like to call it) just add on facial cream and some mindful breathing lol.
  2. Lay out my outfit for the morning.
  3. Go to bed by 10:30 pm or 11:00 pm so I get plenty of sleep.

When I can pull this all off, I feel really accomplished.