Day One Hundred Fifty-Four…

My Weight Watchers meeting this morning was inspired. I have to say, that I learn so much from my community.  They lend wisdom, empathy, and humor on this journey. They are a powerful group and for that, I am very grateful.

Today,  a member shared how writing (Morning Pages) was helping her overcome emotional eating. Then she did something amazing she named it, she said emotional eating would send her into these “failure spirals”.  This got me thinking about how she named this negative energy, and I thought about what we do under its influence. Then I wanted to name its positive counterpart and what we do under its influence.

Energy Work
The circles represent personal energy

Do you think about how to direct your energy? We all have energy and power, the thing is, I wasn’t aware of how I was directing mine. I have been trying to figure out what is different this time with my attempt to get to goal? I am responding to challenges not reacting to them. I am reinventing myself not regressing to the old ways of my past. I am learning how to live a healthy lifestyle – really it’s true.

This journey is about so much more than losing weight. It’s about becoming and change and that is really exciting.


2 thoughts on “Day One Hundred Fifty-Four…

  1. Jennifer: I just want to drop you a note to tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. You’re an excellent writer! Many of the things that you are thinking about, feeling, and going through during this journey I can relate to 100%. I hope that when you reach your goal, you will continue this blog under the pen name “the journey continues”or something like that. All my best, Laure (WW in Bonnie’s 9:30 Saturday)


    1. Good Morning Laure! I agree, writing and reading connect us in important ways. Whenever we share ourselves on this journey we are changing ourselves and those around us. You never know where your words will take someone else. Thank you for being the light and a positive part of my day.


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