Day Three Hundred Ninety-Seven…

This post has to be a short one tonight because I’m pretty tired. I have to celebrate because I am very proud of myself, I accomplished something important in my work and it looks like I’ll have another grade level completed by tomorrow. This is one of the hardest assignments I’ve ever had to complete and I’m not giving up. I think I will have discovered new reserves in my ability to keep going under pressure. To be able to say I did this will be a remarkable accomplishment. I really want to contribute something of value to the world.

If so much attention is going into this one part of my life, it’s only natural I will have to make sacrifices in other areas. I wasn’t able to get any activity points today because I spent the entire day working. I’ll have to pack my meals tomorrow morning and that takes time. So it looks like I’m going to have to cancel my spin class. I wish there was another way but I’m going to need the sleep and the time in the morning. I’m going to try for Thursday and Friday classes this week instead.

I had a decent day on plan. I thought I was going to roll over four points but I decided to eat dessert so I used them. Tomorrow is another chance. I’m going to set a mini-goal to roll over 12 points. I’m going to have to be strategic to do it. I’m going to save some fruit and tea for an after-dinner sweet. I have fat free Redi-Whip I can add to it. Another option is to plan in a savory evening snack. I have to think about that little more.

I hope you are doing well on your journey. I hope you are accomplishing things that are surprising you and that reveal your personal power to make changes to your life. You can do this, and so can I.