Day One Hundred Ninety-Three…

I felt like a Weight Watchers Ambassitor today! I guess when you’re pretty close to the “I lost 70 pounds ” mark ( 66 1/2 pounds to be more exact ) more people start noticing. I had a conversation with our Computer Lab Technician, who told me that she was really successful on Weight Watchers and that it really does work. I told her to come back that #Freestyle is a wonderful plan, but even better than that is the community you get to be part of.  Then later, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a while who looked at me and said, “You lose weight?”  At the end of the day, I was talking with another friend who happens to be a Weight Watcher too who is doing an amazing job on plan. We were both saying how happy we were to be buying a size medium.  When you’re ready to make a lifestyle change, Weight Watchers is the way to go. If you work the plan, then you will lose weight and get your energy back.

I am still planning and preparing my daughter’s meals and snacks. I hope she is staying on plan when I’m not around. Ultimately, it is her decision but at least she knows I am here for her. It’s so hard not to take everything over. I know that when this journey catches for her she will learn that she has the power to get whatever she wants from the journey.  Until then, I can only encourage, support, and (always) lover her.

I hope you had a good day on the journey.

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