Day Two Hundred Seventy-Eight…

Sometimes words feel small. In times of trouble or when facing a problem to solve we dig deep and try to find the right words. Sometimes words feel inadequate. In times of joy or when trying to convey sincerity and love, we search for the words to capture our true selves. Sometimes we find the perfect word that feels just delicious like swirling a something sweet in your mouth like jostle, intricate,  or foible…  Our words are not small – they are powerful. They shape the way we see ourselves, the way others see us and help us to understand the entire world around us.  So what words that are shaping your journey to better health and weight loss? I created a word cloud as an expression of those words I tend to use…

My Weight Loss Journey Word Cloud

As I made this tonight, I found myself feeling more centered and it made me feel good to do this. So, I invite you to try making one of your own. (click here) If you decide to make one,  share it!