Day Two Hundred-Seven…

If you are taking on a big challenge writing helps. It helps because every day that I sit poised at my keyboard thinking, What should I write about… offers me a chance to refocus, reflect, and refine what I’m doing, and how I want to make my next move. I get to relive my good decisions and think more deeply about my mistakes and what they mean to me.

Story quote

Losing weight is difficult because it takes a lot of effort over a long period of time. There are no lasting quick fixes when it comes to changing a lifestyle. It is only natural that eventually, time can seem like an enemy on this journey. At some point, I just want to arrive – Are we there yet?  Then all of sudden I see a huge difference and feel almost amazed by my transformation.


This journey takes time, and I’m worth every minute and so are you. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. What’s your story?

2 thoughts on “Day Two Hundred-Seven…

  1. I love your alliteration at the beginning…refocus, reflect, refine…which is also what I have to do to stay on track with my own health and weight goals. I do hope you stick to your story and good luck on the journey!

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