Day One Hundred Sixty-Nine…

I never knew this but, the natural state of the brain is to think about the future.  As we imagine the future we are create memories. Now, hope is a belief that the future will be better, so if you are a hopeful person, then the future you imagine will be positive as will the memories you create. That is an exhilarating piece of information to know – hopeful people envision a positive future self and the brain will generate memories around this future.

Words of Wisdom

In many ways, this blog is dedicated to hope. It was created as an extension of my belief that anyone can change their lives for the better. So long as you believe it, you can take action to create the life you envision for yourself.  This is not magical thinking, it is positive psychology. Once you believe that you can shape your the future it means you are willing to do the work that it takes to get there. Sticking to routines, working the program, getting in activity all of these personal actions lead to better results.

If you want learn more about the power of hope, watch this TedTalk by Shane Lopez it is very inspired.

One of the excerizes Dr. Lopez suggests is doing a picture collage of what you’d like your future to be. It’s fun to do it’s sort of like day dreaming. However, if your serious about it pcik something and begin to stratigize how you can make these things happen.  If you want to make one of your own, I’d love to see it! I used Canva to make mine, it’s free and very easy to use!

Hope Board


I made Bird Balls tonight… I don’t know how they will taste, but they’re cooking and I let you know! If you’re interested to take a look:

2 thoughts on “Day One Hundred Sixty-Nine…

  1. The picture board works for many aspects of life. I’ve seen it used as a Dream Board for work success or to purchase a home or to build your dream wedding. Its kind of like pinterest! 😉 why not use it for your health goals too.

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