Day One…

When faced with a big challenge like weight loss giving up is seductive. It is my experience that weight loss requires such a great deal of positive energy, while dealing with all of the intermingled feelings self-doubt, and vulnerability. I wear my heart on my sleeve because everyone can tell when things aren’t going so well. I have written “Day One…” before:

Today is the first post. The first step to trying again. I have let the summer come and go without any successful weight loss. My dad used to say, “Kick yourself once and only once.” I think that’s good advice for me right now. I cannot change the past, but I can influence my future.

Me ,on the first day of this journey

This is the first day on my way to maintenance; so, it is a new “Day One” It’s kind of exciting to be starting off on a new path. 

Me, on the first day of Maintenance

This journey is about choices, beliefs, planning, and empowerment – however, it is also about maintaining and losing weight. The numbers don’t define me, but they do help to focus me. Does that make sense?

Me, recognizing the first slip

It is time for a new beginning (I know, some of you may be like… again?) but yes, again. It’s the starting over that matters, it’s the pick myself up and dusting myself off that matters.

Me, acknowledging a pattern

My reality is this – I’ve slipped and that morphed into a slide, and now I am on the floor staring up at the ceiling.

Me, acknowledging a problem

Time travel is a great benefit of keeping a blog or a journal. You can read your own words back to yourself and revisit your own life. What I am taking from these trips to my distant and recent past is that I am not giving up on me. Not ever. No matter how many times I have to reset and try again, I am making that conscious choice to keep at weight loss and maintaining healthy habits. If you feel like giving up on your weight loss goals, don’t. Not giving up is a choice anyone of us can make. I can do this and so can you. Let’s do this together. If you read my posts, let me know you’re out there doing this with me. Community helps a lot, because if you are struggling, at least you know you’re not alone and that will give you some strength to keep going.

H: Hope This is the perfect strength word for me to think about today. I am hopeful I can turn this around and that is a very powerful thing.