Day Two Hundred-Sixteen…

Blue, red, and green plastic balloons seemed to be molded into buttercream frosting. Shakey red letters read Happy Birthday! I took the cake knife in hand and sliced the small cake in half, and then sliced that half into four triangular pieces. The day before weigh-in I started my day with an overly sweet cake to wish my colleagues happy birthday.  This happens. What can I do? Well, I counted it as 20sp because that is the number the Weight Watchers app gave me.  I ate modest meals for the rest of the day, and I feel pretty good right now.

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I did go to a 5:15 am spin class and certainly, that cannot counteract the birthday cake; but hey, I don’t go to spin for that reason anyway. I go because I enjoy it, it makes me feel good, and I like doing something for myself before I go to work. As I reflect on my week, I realize that changing my lifestyle involves striking a balance.


Sometimes it’s ok to have a piece of cake in the morning – not all the time. The piece of cake is not permission to go off the rails and just eat whatever I want all day long. I want to get to goal, so I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be disappointed if I stayed the same or gained weight tomorrow. However, if I don’t get the reward of a “good number” it doesn’t mean that I should just give up. The number is just one piece of information regarding my progress. I don’t want to ignore it but I also don’t want to make it the be all end all. Balance, I am trying to work that one.

Words of Wisdom Balance