Stop Overthinking It

You know when you leave for your morning commute and all of a sudden, you find yourself at work, but can’t really pinpoint the ride that got you there? Commuting to work is a habit, and established habits require very little intellectual energy. The brain is remarkable, and is trying to conserve energy and habits fit that bill perfectly, they run on an automatic script.

Change is coming, albeit slower than I’d like, and it is undeniable that I am definitely building momentum for weight loss. How do I know? Here are the keystone habits that signal weight loss for me:

There are other habits that I need to put more effort into like tracking my meals more consistently, getting regular activity, and better quality sleep. The thing is to be patient with myself (firm, but patient) because as long as I believe I can do it – then I will be successful, it just takes some time to get there.

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