
Self-care means sitting on my loveseat and writing this post. It means spending some time with my kids and just talking. Self-care is part of my journey because it is kindness turned inward. Do you believe in self-care? What are you doing to take care of YOU?

I weighed and measured all my foods for dinner. I have used a total of 23 sp today and I feel pretty good. My only regret was that I had to cancel my spin reservation for 5:15 am. Working late really impacts my ability to go. I’m not giving up. I’m going to try for Thursday.

I’m so grateful I’m learning how to maintain my weight loss. I feel so much better physically and I am more confident. Weight loss hasn’t solved all my problems, but it has helped me to feel better about myself. Better, because this was something I wanted to change and I did. Thank you for taking time to read my little blog. I appreciate your support.

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