Day Thirty-One…

There are times when I wish I could just start over and “do over” some of my choices. Today is one of those days. I started out strong, I went to spin at 5:15 am and that was awesome. I packed my breakfast and lunch and both were very good.  Then during professional development, I started thinking about having a piece of candy, but I decided not to eat one.

After that, it all went downhill. I made poor choices, and I picked on foods while I was making dinner. I ate late and then I had dessert. Now I feel sick to my stomach. I plan on drinking a glass of water, brushing my teeth and going to bed. Tomorrow is a new day to start over.  That’s the way it goes sometimes. I really don’t want to beat myself up, but I also don’t want to ignore the tendency to overdo it when it comes to food.

What can learn from today? I still need strategies when I find myself reaching for food. I am underestimating how stress affects me because I had a couple of stressful moments today and clearly the food was an attempt to elevate some of that negativity.  So tomorrow, if I I feel this same tug of wanting to eat when I’m not hungry – I will engage the internal/external hunger exercise that has been so helpful in the past. I will also eat more mindfully.

I’ll let you know how it goes. I hope you had a good day on the journey. If you didn’t don’t give up!

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